HEDGE ACCENTOR / DUNNOCK (Prunella modularis) - Accentor mouchet
A small, inconspicuous, grey-brown bird found most often above 1000m across most of Switzerland. It has a pleasant song of warbling crystal clear notes usually sung from a high-perch:
Hedge Accentor © Arlette Berlie
This bird is more frequently known in bird guides written in English as a “Dunnock”, but in Europe is frequently translated as Hedge Accentor. This is a more accurate name as it is a member of the Accentor family (not a sparrow at all) and really does spend most of its time creeping around the bottom of hedges and bushes seeking tiny insects and small seeds. Even though it does eat small seeds it is not a finch and so the other English name of “Hedge Sparrow” is thoroughly misleading and should be forgotten immediately if you had not heard this before !
In Switzerland it is widespread but is most common in the montane and sub-alpine zones between 1000m - 2400m. It is only occasionally seen below this level and the lowland populations are declining. The song is a rather loud, crystal clear set of high warbling notes uttered at high speed, usually from a high perch on the top of a pine tree:
© Arlette Berlie
It is delivered in short bursts and could perhaps be mistaken with the song of a Whitethroat or a more likely a Wren (which can be heard faintly in the background of that recording) but lacks the pattern and finishing trill of the Wren. Also Wrens sing close to the ground and are often hidden from view.
The very variable pattern of the warbling, with sudden changes of pitch, can be easily seen in the sonogram:
and perhaps easier to appreciate if it is slowed down to half-speed:
Hedge Accentor at half-speed
Hedge Accentor sketches © Frank Jarvis